Thursday, 29 September 2016

Math Assessment

Happy Thursday everyone!

Tonight their first assessed math problem is going home.   It is the 2nd one that they have completed.  After doing the first one independently, I gave everyone "Tickled Pinks" and "Green to Grow" - so that they knew what they needed to improve on for the second one.  We also made a "Bump It Up Wall" - and talked about what makes a Level 3 and 4 answer, and is on display in the classroom.  

On their problem, you will see their leveled mark.  In our class, we use words instead of the traditional level 1, 2, 3 and 4 to show our growth mindset and that we are all on a continuum of learning. 
Level 1 (D) - We Have More Work to Do
Level 2 (C)- Almost There
Level 3 (B)- Way to Go
Level 4 (A)- Wow

Please sign and return tomorrow.  

Next week we will be working on Rounding and then having our unit quiz on Tuesday, October 11th (after Thanksgiving).

Have a great weekend!

Monday, 19 September 2016

Language goals

In Language, we are working on writing recounts and retelling stories. You can have your child retell you about their day, giving you a few details about each event.

Our reading focus is reviewing fix-up strategies for when we come to new words that we don't know. They are:

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Number Sense expectations

This September we will be looking at the following Number Sense and Numeration expectations in our math class:
  • I can count forward (by 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 100) and backwards (by 2, 5, 10, 100) using a variety of tools
  • I can represent, compare, and order numbers up to 1000
  • I can read and write whole numbers
  • I can identify and represent the value of a digit according to its position in the number (3 in 324 is 3 hundreds)
  • I can compose and decompose 3-digit numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones using concrete materials
  • I can round 2-digit numbers to the nearest ten
  • I can represent and explain the relationship among the numbers 1, 10, 100, 1000
Try to help your child consolidate this learning at home by having them skip count while waiting for the light to change in the car, while waiting for their sibling to get dressed, and while waiting for commercials to be over. When shopping and looking at prices, ask your child to round the dollar amounts to the nearest 10. When a number comes up in a book, on the tv, or in an address, ask them to tell you which digit is in the 100's column, or 10's column, or 1's column and what it's value is.

Welcome to Grade 3

Welcome Parents and Students to our Grade 3 Blog!  This website will be a space for us to share some of the topics that we are exploring in class, news and information on the school, and websites that can help support our learning in class.  I will make sure to have the students write in their agenda when to "Check Blog" so that you do not feel the need to looking back each and every day.  I am still developing my "technological skills", so please be patient with me!

I am loving getting to know each and every child in the class and they are working hard to get comfortable with the rules and routines of the classroom right now.  On Tuesday, September 20th at 6:30pm, St. Bernard School will hold it's Program Night.  During this evening you will learn about our Grade 3 program, the curriculum, the special events, and the rules and routines of the class (homework program, Math Wizards, reading program).  I look forward to meeting you!  Please continue checking and signing the agenda each and every night.

Thanks so much,
Ms. Laura Ferrarotto