Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Science Test on Monday

Here is a little study guide on the things you need to know for our Plants and Living Things test on Monday. You can look through and re-read parts of our Science duotang and return on Monday.
  • Basic needs of a plant
  • How humans use plants in everyday life
  • How people hurt and harm plants
  • How people help and save plants
  • Plant adaptations/Survival tactics
  • Photosynthesis
  • Parts of a plant

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Addition and Subtraction

Here are the expectations for our new unit on addition and subtraction!

Number Sense - Addition & Subtraction
  • I can solve problems involving addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies
  • I can add and subtract 3-digit numbers 
  • I can use estimation when solving problems using addition and subtraction 
Encourage your child to go on and practise their math facts or quiz them while you are in the car on numbers that you see on license plates.  Ask them to estimate how much two items at the store will cost altogether.  When planning for Christmas get togethers, ask them how many plates, or buns, or cookies, etc, you will need altogether.  

Adding and Subtracting Games