Monday, 11 May 2020

Money games and learning goals

We are moving into our Money Unit and the following expectations are the Gr. 3 goals for this topic.
  • I can represent and describe relationships between coins and bills up to $10
  • I can estimate, count, and represent the value of a collection of coins and bills up to $10
  • I can add and subtract money amounts to make purchases or change up to $10
  • I can solve word problems applying the skills above
Try to have your child look at prices when you are online shopping.  Have them round to the nearest dollar and estimate what the total cost will be.  When paying for something, have your child help count out the change or estimate how much change you will get from the cashier.  You can also try the following online games:

Monday, 30 March 2020

Week 2 Distance Education

Hello Grade 3 Families;

As we are now entering Week 2 of our Covid19 Distance Education, we are probably finding some sort of routine or maybe understanding of what our homes and children are looking like and feeling like right now.  A reminder to be kind to yourself at this time, there are no right ways to set up your schedule as this is new and unsettling territory for all of us.  We are trying to parent, work, and provide childcare and education for our children and it is difficult to juggle all of this.

Our School Board continues to inform us that it is not necessary to deliver curriculum at this time.  We may be given a different direction for next week and will re-visit at that time, however for now, I will continue to provide ideas and helpful sites or activities for your children to do.

  • Reading daily for 20 minutes (RAZ-Kids or a book of their choice)
  • Journal writing (write about what they've been doing or a free write on anything they want)
  • Multiplication facts up to x7 (create flashcards or
  • Any of the curriculum based sites our students are familiar with (ProdigyZorbit'sABCya, or other sites from the OCSB Student Portal)
  • Outdoor play (Scavenger hunts, soccer, road hockey, walks, bike rides)
I've given 2 assignments to our students that I would like them to try.  
  1. Letter Writing - writing a letter/drawing a picture for a senior who is feeling lonely and living in isolation in a senior facility will show kindness and care during these difficult days.  Have your child open up their Google Drive and click into their Language folder.  Then click the New Google Docs button and type it there.  I can then access it and have it sent to the Perley and Rideau Veteran's Health Centre.
  2. Flipgrid - I also created a Flipgrid called Kindness Tracker to have the students create a video telling me about how they have shown kindness to their family or community during this time.  You can access it here:  Flipgrid Kindness Tracker  ( If you need another code, try ferrarotto9004. They will need their school email and login.  Email is and their password is either their firstname3 unless they have created their own.  Email me if you are unsure of their password or email address.
I will email you with some details of our next Zoom meet up, scheduled for Tuesday, March 31 at 11:00am.

Take care and email me anytime!
Ms. Ferrarotto

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Check in for Ms. Ferrarotto's Grade 3 Class

Hello all!  Just wanted to let you know that I am going to host a ZOOM meeting tomorrow, Monday, March 23, at 11:00am to give the students a chance to check-in, say hello, and try out a new platform that we would be able to use for our distance learning in the upcoming weeks.  I am new to all this and so it may be a lot of trouble shooting and trial and error but we can work together to figure it out.  I have sent an email out to the Grade 3 parent email addresses that are in the students' school files. If you want to join, just click the link and you will be able to join our chat on Monday at 11:00am. Laptops should work without anything downloaded.  If you are using a tablet or phone, I ask that you download the zoom app (free) ahead of time. There is no pressure to join but I would love to get to see all of your smiling faces!  See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Multiplication and Division Learning Goals

Our next unit is Multiplication and Division.  You can practise on - we will be changing it to multiplication!  

Multiplication and Division Expectations

ü I can relate multiplication of 1-digit numbers to real-life situations
ü I can relate division of 1-digit numbers to real-life situations
ü I can multiply up to 7 x 7 using a variety of mental strategies
ü I can divide to 49/7 using a variety of mental strategies

Multiply by 0

Multiply by 1

Multiply by 2

Multiply by 3

Multiply by 4

Multiply by 5

Multiply by 6

Multiply by 7

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Perimeter and Area expectations

We are now beginning our Area and Perimeter Unit.  The expectations for these measurement skills are as follows:
  •       estimate, measure, and record the perimeter of 2D shapes using standard units
  •       estimate, measure, and record area
  •       compare and order various shapes by area using congruent shapes and grid paper
  •       describe the relationship between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface

You can help your child practise these skills by asking them to estimate the perimeter of their bed, their dresser, the table, and the backyard.  Ask them how many post-it notes they would need to cover a book, the kitchen floor, or front of the refrigerator.  Remind them to tell you if they are estimating using cm or m.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Linear Measurement Expectations

We have now begun our unit on Measurement.  We will begin with Linear Measurement where the students must learn to do the following:
  • estimate, measure and record length, height, and distance using standard units (cm, m, km)
  • draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in cm
  • compare standard units of length and select and justify the most appropriate unit to measure length
  • compare and order objects on the basis of linear measurements in cm and m (100 cm=1m)
Practise these skills at home by asking your child to estimate the length of an object in your home, and you give an estimate too.  After, measure it using a ruler or measuring tape and whoever is closest wins 10 points.  First person to 100 wins!  You can also choose an object and ask your child if they would measure that in cm or m.

Here is our anchor chart with benchmarks that you can review at home.