Thursday, 26 January 2017


We have now begun our unit on Measurement.  We will begin with Linear Measurement where the students must learn to do the following:
  • estimate, measure and record length, height, and distance using standard units (cm, m, km)
  • draw items using a ruler, given specific lengths in cm
  • compare standard units of length and select and justify the most appropriate unit to measure length
  • compare and order objects on the basis of linear measurements in cm and m (100 cm=1m)
Practise these skills at home by asking your child to estimate the length of an object in your home, and you give an estimate too.  After, measure it using a ruler or measuring tape and whoever is closest wins 10 points.  First person to 100 wins!  You can also choose an object and ask your child if they would measure that in cm or m.

Here is our in class anchor chart:

We will try to do a quiz on Tuesday or Wednesday next week so we can move onto Area and Perimeter.  The expectations for these measurement skills are as follows:
  • ·        estimate, measure, and record the perimeter of 2D shapes using standard units
  • ·         estimate, measure, and record area
  • ·         compare and order various shapes by area using congruent shapes and grid paper
  • ·         describe the relationship between the size of a unit of area and the number of units needed to cover a surface

You can help your child practise these skills by asking them to estimate the perimeter of their bed, their dresser, the table, and the backyard.  Ask them how many post-it notes they would need to cover a book, the kitchen floor, or front of the refrigerator.

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